140 Spencer St, Bunbury
ph:97 211333 fax:97 217882
Healthlink ID: sthwsurg
The location of your surgical appointment will depend on which surgical practice you are a patient of. Please check the location.
Dr Justin Johnston consults at SWSS 140 Spencer St Bunbury and also at Bridgetown Hospital and Warren District Hospital.
Dr Nick Newman consults at SWSS 140 Spencer St Bunbury and Vasse Medical Practice 2/21 Napoleon Promenade Vasse.
Dr Ausama Muhammed consults at SWSS 140 Spencer St Bunbury and Vasse Medical Practice 2/21 Napoleon Promenade Vasse.
Your First Appointment
South West Surgical Services is in the front building at 140 Spencer St Bunbury. We have parking at the front and rear of this building as well as street parking. Acrod parking is available. Please allow for extra time as parking can be very busy.
What do I need to bring?
Please bring your Medicare card, Private Health Insurance card and Health Care Card to
your appointment. -
All patients seen by surgeons require a current referral. If this has not already been sent please bring this with you on the day of your appointment.
Please bring any relevant scans, pathology results or medical history reports to your initial consultation.
Examination Process
The surgeon may need to undertake a physical examination of you as part of the consulting process. This may involve an examination of intimate parts of your body for which you may need to loosen or remove some of your clothing.
The surgeon will explain why the examination is necessary and what is to occur. You will have an opportunity to ask questions.
If you would like a chaperone or support person to be present bring someone with you, ask at reception or tell your surgeon prior to the examination being commenced.
Booking for procedures/surgery
If your consultation results in a recommendation for a procedure or surgery, this can be booked with our front desk receptionist following your consultation. Alternatively, you can contact the rooms at a later time to make a suitable booking.
Preparation for your procedure/surgery
Prior to your procedure/surgery, you will receive written information, including an Informed Consent Form to sign.
If any pre-operative preparation is required, (eg bowel preparation or medication), instructions will be outlined to you at the time of booking your surgery and colonoscopy prep instructions are available in patient information on this site.